The Equality Trust is working to reduce income inequality in order to build a better society. But to do so we need your help. Our work depends on generous donations from individuals, groups, trusts and foundations which share our vision.

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Gift Aid

By selecting 'Yes' above you are confirming that

  1. You are a UK taxpayer
  2. The amount of income and/or capital gains tax you pay is at least as much as we will reclaim on your donations in this tax year

About Gift Aid

Gift Aid increases the value of membership contributions and donations to charities by allowing them to reclaim basic rate tax on your gift. It allows us to claim 25% on top of your donation, for example, on a £50 membership or donation, we can claim back an additional £12.50.

We would like to reclaim gift aid on your behalf. We can only reclaim Gift Aid if you are a UK taxpayer. Please confirm that you are eligible for Gift Aid. More about Gift Aid.